We recommend at least two weeks post-shave before coming in for a wax! This equals out to about 1/4" worth of hair growth, which helps us to grip as much as we can during your wax to leave you satisfied with the results of your service.
Your specialist will know before starting your appointment if your hair won't be long enough to wax! Unfortunately if your hair is too short, this can cause major irritation to the follicles and ingrown hairs to form.
Yes, please! A day or two before your appointment we recommend exfoliating the area, this can be done with a dry brush or exfoliating glove to remove any dead skin cells. This helps the wax adhere better to the hair and provides a cleaner wax. Avoid using any moisturizer on the area the day of the appointment.
So you got your Brazilian and forgot all of the aftercare, huh? That's okay, I got you girl! No sex for the first 24 hours after an intimate wax. This introduces bacteria and can cause folliculitis. No standing water such as a bathtub, pool, hot tub, lake, jacuzzi, etc! No HOT showers for 24 hours following your appointment, we don't want to cause any extra inflammation. AFTER those 24-48 hours, EXFOLIATE! Use an exfoliating glove to scrub away all of that dead skin 2-3 times a week to help prevent ingrown hairs. If you have any irritation or itchiness afterwards, you can apply over-the-counter topicals such as hydrocortisone as needed, and/or bacitracin 2-3 times a day. Allow 4-6 weeks between appointments, and no shaving in between! As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to me at any point following your appointment! :)
The usual recommended timeframe between waxes is 3-4 weeks to maintain those results that you're wanting! Hair may grow slower with consistent waxing and this amount of time may not work for everyone. Your specialist will be able to recommend the right timeframe for you during your appointments!